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Canadian music giant funds battle against RIAA

Canada's biggest record label, publisher and management company is helping out a family sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)for copyright infringement.

The privately-owned Nettwerk Music Group is intervening, it says, because the songs downloaded by the Gruebel family include Avril Lavigne, a Nettwerk management client. Nettwerk will fund the Gruebel's defense.

"The current actions of the RIAA are not in my artists' best interests," said Nettwerk chief executive Terry McBride in a statement.

"Litigation is not 'artist development'. Litigation is a deterrent to creativity and passion and it is hurting the business I love."

Chicago lawyer Charles Lee Mudd will defend the Gruebels.

Mudd said the RIAA has "misapplied" the law and that lawsuits should be a "shield, not a sword".

The RIAA has demanded the family pay a $9,000 penalty, reduced to $4,500 if they pay up promptly. Nettwerk has vowed to foot the legal bill if it loses the case.

-the register, 27 Jan 2006

美國唱片業協會 (Recording industry association of amercia)控告一個家庭非法下載流行歌曲, 該家庭 Gruebel, 所下載的歌曲包括加拿大最大唱片發行商 Nettwerk Music Group 旗下歌手的歌曲. 但這個發行商, 不單不認同 RIAA 的做法, 甚至出資幫助 Gruebel 家庭打官司. 因為唱片公司認為打擊網上下載行為, 會損害旗下歌手的利益.

其實對於非跨國企業式的唱片公司來說, 它們要捧紅一個歌手的最好做法是鼓勵不同地區的人, 以自己的語言推介新歌手的新歌, 並上載歌曲與朋友分享, 以便日後進入該市場. 五大唱片公司的打擊反版行為, 其實對於小唱片公司來說沒有好處, 因為好的藝人為了開拓市場, 都會爭著與這些跨國唱片公司簽約, 那怕他們簽約後被對方冷待.

- inmedia 31 Jan 2006




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