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Liverpool - first in UK to establish university in China

Liverpool - first in UK to establish university in China

Liverpool, UK - 28 October 2005: The University of Liverpool is to be the first in the UK to open a new University in China.
The Chinese Government has given the go-ahead for the University – in partnership with Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), a Top 10 institution in China – to proceed to the final stages of preparation for the new University that is planned to open in September 2006 at Suzhou, 90km west of Shanghai.
Completely independent with its own degree-awarding powers, the University will be fully developed in five to seven years.
University of Liverpool Vice-Chancellor, Professor Drummond Bone, said: “This is a new model for a British operation in Higher Education in China - a genuine cooperative venture, not an outpost of a British University, but a new University offering its own degrees, with cutting-edge input from the UK on curriculum development and quality assurance.
“The Chinese Government has given enormous support to our plans. These are exciting times for the University of Liverpool and I am confident our new University will help meet the global demand for highly trained professionals and cement Liverpool’s reputation in China as a world leader in teaching and research.”
Suzhou is an ancient city with more than 2,000 years of history. The new University will be located at Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP). SIP is one of Asia’s most successful business parks and is a hub for foreign investors, attracting 2,100 international organisations, including 53 Fortune 500 companies.
The purpose-built campus will open to students in September 2006. In the first three years, the University will offer degree programmes in Computer Science, Electronics and IT – meeting the urgent need for highly trained individuals in throughout China.
The University will recruit students from across China and other parts of Asia. Students will be given the option to complete the latter part of their studies in Liverpool and graduate with a full University of Liverpool degree. An advisory committee comprising representatives from major multi-national companies will advise the University on its degree programmes to ensure they meet the needs of global manufacturing and service industries.
The University of Liverpool is rated highly in China and is 13th in the UK according to rankings compiled by Shanghai Jiaotong University.
The establishment of the new University in China is part of Liverpool’s overall international strategy that includes the recruitment of overseas students to its main campus in Liverpool, a series of off-campus ventures and the development of its innovative suite of e-learning programmes that enables students from all over the world to gain a degree on-line.
The new University will collaborate closely with the University of Liverpool in both teaching and research.
Notes to editors
1. The University of Liverpool is one of the UK's leading research institutions. It attracts collaborative and contract research commissions from a wide range of national and international organisations valued at more than £90 million annually.

- University of Liverpool 28 Oct 2005




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