隨口講 隨手寫



點解要係《假音人 final live》之後限量發售?
點解我無得去 final live?




Revitalising drinks 'don't boost alertness'
00:01am 21st July 2006

A study found that sugary drinks such as Lucozade and Coca Cola do little to boost alertness

Championed by Daley Thompson, Lucozade claims to revitalise both the body and brain. But those anxious to avoid nodding off might be just as well to drink glass of water, research shows.

The study found that sugary drinks such as Lucozade and Coca Cola do little to boost alertness.

Instead, they do the very opposite - they make you more sleepy.

Professor Jim Horne said that while the 'sugar rush' from sweet drinks may initially boost alertness, the effect wears off after around 15 minutes.

Those looking for a quick-fix to stave off sleepiness should instead reach for caffeine-rich drinks such as Red Bull or strong coffee.

Fitting in a quick nap also helps.

The Loughborough University sleep expert said the advice is particularly pertinent for motorists looking for something to keep them from nodding off at the wheel.

Those that pull up at a service station to buy a sugary drink will probably find the effects will have worn off within minutes of starting their journey again, he said.

'Very sugary drinks have a rebound effect - after an hour or so they make you even more sleepy,' he said. 'I would not advise Coca Cola or other drinks be used to combat sleepiness unless they contain adequate caffeine.

'A much better way to combat sleepiness is to have a drink that contains useful amounts of caffeine and combine that with a short nap.

He added that sugar-packed drinks such as Lucozade and Coca Cola are probably little better than water at keeping people awake.

The Department of Transport-funded study looked at whether Lucozade helped a group of healthy young men and women stave
off sleep.

The night before taking part, they had only been allowed to sleep
for five hours.

After a light lunch, the volunteers were given either a glass of Lucozade or a water-based low-sugar drink.

They were then monitored as they spent 90 minutes doing a computer test that measured their reaction time.

At first, there was little difference in the alertness between the two groups.

However, after around 50minutes, the alertness of the Lucozade drinkers started to fall. They started to feel sleepier than the other volunteers, had more lapses in concentration and made more mistakes.

Writing in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, Prof Horne's team said energy drinks may only ward of sleepiness in people suffering from hypoglycaemia - or extremely low levels of blood sugar brought on by fasting.

They said: 'It is clear that a 250ml energy drink given with a light lunch does not alleviate a moderate level of afternoon sleepiness.

'In contrast, after about an hour, sleepiness was significantly worse.

'Whilst there is good evidence that sugar intake can boost physical energy, there is little support for it having any benefits for a sleepy brain.'

by FIONA MACRAE, Daily Mail

找到藉口解釋上堂打嗑睡的原因, 看來要改變一下每日一支葡萄適的習慣.



時間: 某日晚上 10 點
地點: 學校 24 小時圖書館門外

鬼學生甲:「我聽朝要交 assignment, 點搞?」
鬼職員乙: 「你聽朝 7 點番黎圖書館啦!」



喜歡半夜聽歌, 半夜的歌特別有感染力.
正在聽林一峰的《in your eyes》, 不能自拔, 於是又好奇找了原曲來聽, 竟變了首快歌.
驚訝是哪位編曲的鬼斧神功將《in your eyes》編了個沈鬱的版本.
又, 忽發其想到底那個 concert 有沒有 dvd 呢?
抱歉, 原來已經出了個 10 首精選的演唱會 dvd, 但裡面沒有《in your eyes》.
找呀找的, 找到林一峰自己的 forum, 裡面有剛剛 10 月 concert 的 rundown,
原來每日的 rundown 都不一樣, 有王菲的《靜夜的單簧管》《執迷不悔》《寒武紀》, 有林憶蓮的《滴汗》,有齊豫《九月的高跟鞋》, 有《Moon River》, 有 HOCC 的《勞斯萊斯》, 有 at17 的《Lost in LA》...
我想大概這演唱會 dvd 裡不會收錄以上全部歌吧.
林一峰自己說的"If you miss a live, you miss it forever" 大概就是這個意思.

夜了, 不知道自己在說甚麼.



踏著單車, 沿著 river mersey, 一口氣踏到路的盡頭,
再往前走的話就是利物浦機場, 可能改天會去看看.
海邊沒有什麼風景看, 風很大, 但很舒服.
雖然是潮退, 但亦不斷傳來海浪聲...

找到一片大草地, 把單車躺下, 我也躺下.


if you miss a live show...

you miss it forever




在香港的時候一直想試試葡萄適 Extra, 最後郤忘記了.
不要緊, 英國的葡萄適有原味, 有橙味, 有檸檬味, 有提子味, 有雜果味,
最新出的有青蘋果味, 搶眼的青色包裝不好喝也好看.
味道跟有氣的青蘋果汁沒有兩樣, 可惜跟其他葡萄適一樣,
開蓋後放得久很快便會漏氣, 漏氣後的葡萄適是特甜的糖水, 很難喝.






換上新衣, 清空桌面, 然後擷下來紀念.



記得陣浩峰說過不喜歡出碟, 因為他享受唱 live 的感覺.
我也享受聽他的 live, 因為聽 cd 的時候你會以為那是鵝公喉女人聲,
但在現場看他唱, 看他的神情看他的動作, 就會不其然的被他感染到.
這些在聽 cd 的時候永遠只能想像出來但不會真切感受到.

好了, 打了這麼一段廢話, 全因...

final live 希望是指今年的 final.